British Exploring Society launches Wildestan Antarctica

Young Explorers' Trust

Group of penguins on ice

The Young Explorers’ Trust would like to draw your attention to an initiative recently launched by British Exploring Society.

Through participation in Wildestan Antarctica, Young Adventurers gain insight on how to survive and thrive in remote and wild outdoor environments, with online sessions delivered by Wildestan Experts at the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust located at Port Lockroy Antarctica. The subject matter will then be contextualised by Wildestan Experts in the UK, where Young Adventurers are encouraged to put their learning into practice and explore the outdoors on their doorstep.

British Exploring Society

It sounds a great way of encouraging young people to learn about expeditioning in remote places and encouraging to do things initially from home. If you know a young person aged 14-17 who’d be interested, find out more at British Exploring Society and encourage them to apply!