
Young Explorers' Trust

Richard Bailey in Norway

BSES Arctic Odyssey 2012 This summer instead of InterRailing around Europe or spending a week partying on a Mediterranean Island, I celebrated the end of exams and school by spending five weeks in Arctic Norway.  Towards the end of July myself and 70 other like-minded Young Explorers and Leaders travelled to the Øksfjordjøkelen ice field…
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Morgan Whitaker in Namibia

Expedition to Namibia On my expedition to Namibia, we traversed varied landscapes and saw much wildlife. The trip took us through deserts, mountains and savannah, and led us on a journey through personal development in ourselves. Our journey began in our base camp (set up by a few leaders who had travelled out a week…
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Emily Marmoy-Haynes in Madagascar

Expedition Report – Madagascar 2012 I wanted to write to you and thank you for your donation which greatly helped me to get to Madagascar. Here is my expedition report which hopefully gives you an insight into my trip. After our long flights to Madagascar via Nairobi we travelled to Andranosoa, the village where we…
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Damon Roberts in India

Moonlands 2012 – Led by John Hegarty Leading Edge Expeditions From the moment we all passed selection, a gruelling 2 night test of both out physical and mental stamina, we knew the trip was going to be the experience of a lifetime. Nearly a year later, we all met once again, this time at the…
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Heather Jeffrey in South Africa

South Africa Animal Conservation Report My name is Heather Jeffery, I am 18 years old and am currently on a gap year. In September I will be going to study biochemistry at Imperial College London. In my gap year I worked as a waitress to save up for a trip to South Africa where I…
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The YET Forum – ‘Communicating the expedition experience’ notes from December 2012

Attached are the notes from the YET forum held just before Christmas. The subject discussed was communicating the expedition experience, You can download them by clicking here We’re pleased to announce the next forum will be held at: Peter Symonds College Owens Road, Winchester, Hampshire, SO22 6RX Date to be decided, but likely to…
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Disclosure & Barring

After launching the Disclosure and Barring Service on Saturday 1 December 2012, the Home Office has released a newsletter to provide updates on disclosure and barring issues. The latest newsletter from the Home Office provides updates on: the implementation of provisions within the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012; an overview of the roadshows held across England,…
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2012 YET Awards announced

YET are please to announce the recipients of our 2012 grant awards. The Young Explorers’ Trust offers grant aid to individuals nineteen and under who are taking part in expeditions or other adventurous activities For a full run down go here

Vetting and Barring Scheme Review

Vetting and Barring Scheme and Criminal Records Regime Review – Recommendations Announced The Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, has unveiled a new scaled back employment vetting scheme and fundamental reform of criminal records checks. Announcing the findings of the parallel reviews of the Vetting and Barring Scheme and the criminal records regime on Friday 11…
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Lord Young Report on H&S

On 15th October 2010, Lord Young released a report to the Prime Minister, following a Whitehall-wide review of the operation of health and safety laws and the growth of the compensation culture. The report is 58 pages long, but several pages are of particular interest to our outdoors sector. The full report is available on…
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