Category: News

Young Explorers' Trust

Alistair Walker in Greenland

I took part in an expedition organised by Students on Ice, a Canadian environmental and youth charity. I joined over 80 students and 30 mentors and specialist leaders on the expedition vessel, the Sea Adventure, on a voyage to northern Labrador and southern Greenland during June and July. I have always had a fascination for…
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Zak Chrysostomou in Isle of Wight

Zak is disabled and his YET Award was given so that he could undertake his expedition to the Isle of Wight, his Everest. He has written the following as feedback for the YET: Camp helped me with my confidence for when i am in year 9 and it helped me face some of my feers.…
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Rachel Dumbrell in India

The expedition to India was absolutely inspiring, I experienced so many things that I never thought about before. Even from the first day just breathing 40 degree New Delhi air and experiencing the colourful and bustling traffic was eye opening. Another incredible memory was the flight from New Delhi to Leh, over the Himalayas. I can’t imagine a…
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Jungle Camp

Chaoui Wang in Central America

Raleigh 14G This summer, I had the amazing opportunity to volunteer in Costa Rica and Nicaragua for Raleigh international, a sustainable development charity. During my seven weeks, I was placed on 2 different projects, both of which have taught me skills for life. Under the Day Leader system, I was able to work on my…
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At Rockcliffe Nature Reserve

Alec Christie in Scotland

YET Report Summer 2014 Wildlife Conservation Placements National Trust For Scotland – Threave Bat reserve On the 18th June 2014 I arrived in Edinburgh for my first volunteering experience of the summer with the National Trust for Scotland on a gloriously sunny day which I hoped would be a sign of things to come. After meeting…
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Adam Potter in Jordan

This 10 day desert expedition followed in the footsteps of Lawrence of Arabia from Wadi Rum to Muchawara in Jordan. It was a 7-8 hour flight by Jordanian Airlines from Heathrow to Amman which was another great experience as I have never been on an airliner before in my life. Once we arrived, we stayed…
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Outdoor Recreation Survey

The Outdoor Industries Association (OIA) and GO Outdoors are conducting a survey to find out how and why people participate in outdoor recreation, as well as the reasons behind why others don’t. The survey will take no longer than ten minutes to complete and all responses are anonymous. There is an opportunity to win one of a range of equipment prices…
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A Modern Day Pilgrimage

Whatley teenager William White has set off from Canterbury on a 3,107 mile pilgrimage to Jerusalem raising money for charity. While waiting for his A-level results, the 18-year-old will be cycling across 14 countries and two continents as he journeys from Europe into Asia and the Middle East on a modern pilgrimage. The youngster took…
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Richard Crabtree obituary

YET Chairman 1997-1998 Richard Crabtree, a very active explorer in his own right and a leader of many youth expeditions has passed away. Amongst other ventures in his earlier life Richard spent some time in the Antarctic with the British Antarctic Survey for which he received the Polar Medal. Subsequently he was a stalwart member…
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